How To: Cast To TV

Need help casting to your TV? Follow these simple steps below.

We support TV casting with Chromecast and AirPlay.

Icon not showing?

  • Check the device you are using supports casting to your chosen casting option. (You might not be able to cast from an Android device to AirPlay and vice versa)
  • Try using fullscreen mode, some UI controls may not show up on smaller devices until fullscreen mode is used.
  • Ensure you are on the same network as the Chromecast or AirPlay Device.
  • Update your browser and/or device to the latest version.

Cast to TV with Chromecast

  • Click this symbol while watching:

  • Select the TV you wish to cast to. (Ensure you are on the same network as the TV)
  • Enjoy the stream!

You can read the official documentation from Google on how to cast using chromecast here:

Cast to TV with AirPlay

  • Click this symbol while watching:

  • Select the TV you wish to cast to. (Ensure you are on the same network as the TV)
  • Enjoy the stream!

You can read the official documentation from Apple on how to cast using Airplay here:

Need More Help?

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please start a live chat and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

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