How To: Buy Products

Need help buying products? Follow these Steps.

Step 1: Navigate to the product you wish to purchase or book.

Step 2: Select the price or purchase option available for the product.

In most cases, the product will have a single price and a button opening the checkout modal. However, in some cases, products may be offered in various ways, such as:

  • As part of a larger bundle
  • Subscription to the channel
  • A pass to the channel
  • Or flexi pricing.

Choose the option you prefer to proceed with.

Step 3 (Optional): Apply any coupon codes you may have.

For products that have a coupon code available, apply the coupon before proceeding to checkout to apply the discount.

Step 4: Complete the Stripe Checkout.

Click on the checkout button, input your card details, and upon successful completion, you will be redirected to the product page to start watching!

Need More Help?

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please start a live chat and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

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