How To: Find a Specific Creator

Need help finding a creator's channel? Follow these easy steps:

Step 1: Navigate to the Vidzing Homepage or Explore page:

The Vidzing Homepage is located at

The Vidzing Explore page is located at

Step 2: Click the grey search botton located on the top right of the screen:

On desktop it will look like this:

Or if you are using Tablet/Mobile it will look like this:

Step 3: Type the channel's name if you know it:

On desktop you can type directly inside the grey button to trigger a search:

On mobile, after pressing the grey question mark the search window will appear for you to type into:

If there is a matching channel, you will see it under the Creators heading, and below that will be additional Content related to your search entry.

Step 4: Click or tap the channel logo to get to the channel's page on Vidzing

Optional: If you only know part of the channel name, you still may find it with search:

Note: If there are no channels with the name requested, you will see a message "no results":

Need more help?

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please start a live chat and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

The channel search tool above is really helpful for tracking down a creator or their channel.

If instead you're looking for a piece of content, you can use the search tool on a channel's page.

This will search across the channel's content titles as well as text in their product descriptions.

Check out our article covering the Content Search feature here for more details.

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