How To: Search for Content

Need help finding a certain piece of content on a Vidzing channel? Follow these easy steps:

Step 1: Navigate to the channel's home page if you know it, or follow the link below:

You can use our explore page to find the channel you want:

Note: For the content search to work properly, you will need to be on a channel's page first.

Step 2: Click the grey search button located on the top right of the screen:

On the top right corner of the page, you will see a grey search button next to the Creators button:

Clicking on this button will open the text area for you to enter your search query:

Type what you're looking for into the space provided:

The search is automatic and will begin a few seconds after typing. Results should appear like this:

You can edit or change the query at any time and the system will start a new search:

Once you see what you're looking for, simply click on the photo thumbnail to navigate to the content.

Optional: If there are no results for the search query entered, you will see this message:

Check for any potential typos in your request and try again:

If there are still no results for your search query, there may not be any content related to the query.

Another possibility is that the content you're looking for may be from a different channel/creator.

Try our creator search guide here for additional information.

Need more help?

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please start a live chat and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

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