FAQ: What is the Content Status?

Want to know more about the Content Status? Check out the information below:

Content on Vidzing has three status levels, determining who and how someone can access your content.

How Can I Change a Content's Status?

Content status can be changed from the content set up page.

To find the content set up page, click on 'Content' underneath the 'Media' menu on the left side of the dashboard.

Click on your chosen piece of content, and find the second box down on the right side of content set up labelled 'Status: Publish/Draft/Hide'.

Click the arrow to choose between your content status, and when you are ready, scroll down and hit 'Save'.

Changing Content Status

Status: Draft

Draft means that the content is not available or accessible to anyone. This status allows creators to make changes, add elements, or refine the details before it is officially released.

NOTE: You cannot view a preview when status is set to Draft. To preview your content, set the Status to Hide first.

Status: Publish

Publish means that content is available and accessible to anyone who has access to your channel.

Publishing content will automatically display content on the top row of your channel. If you want to change this, head to 'Layout' in the 'Channel' menu on the left side of the Dashboard.

Status: Hide

Hide means that content is available and accessible, but only for people who you specifically send the link/URL to.

Hidden content is NOT available/searchable directly from your channel, it is a private link that you must share.

Hidden content is a great way to create private content that you don't want everyone to see.

If you are giving away this content for free, an easy way to send hidden content is to send them a free ticket, and a link will go directly to their email.

Otherwise, click the 'Preview' button in content set up, and copy the URL to send to your chosen customers.

Vidzing Unique URL

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