How To: Setup Free Content

Need help setting up free content? Follow these simple steps below:

Step 1: Video

Access the Creator Portal Dashboard and click the purple 'Create Content' button.

Select the 'Video' option from the available content types.

Step 2: Set Up Video Details

Give your Video a name, description (optional) and update the artwork (optional).

Step 3: Attach Your Video

To upload a new video, either browse your files or drag and drop the file into the box with the upload cloud.

To use a video already in your Vidzing library, simply click 'Browse your library' to be shown your available options.

Step 4: Set Price to Free

Click 'Add price' to set a new price. Give your price a label, an amount, and a rental duration (if applicable).

If the content will be free, set the price to $0.

This will mean viewers need to 'book' the content, but will not need to pay for it, allowing you to collect all the information of your viewers.

NOTE: If you want the video free to watch without customers needing an account, set it up as a Lead Magnet with Lead Capture enable or disabled.

Step 5: Set Release Timing

Adjust your timezone (if needed).

Setting a start date and time will determine when a video is able to be watched from.

If the start date and time is in the future, the content can be shared but the video cannot be viewed.

NOTE: If the content is ready to be watched, set the start date and time to now.

Step 6: Publish or Preview

Change the Status of the content based on if the content is ready to be shared or not.

To preview your content, set the Status to 'Hide'. Save the Video, then click on 'Preview' at the top right hand side.

To Publish your content, ready to share, set the Status to 'Publish', then scroll down and click 'Save'.

Preview and Content Status

Step 7: Share Your Video

At the top right side of your Video set up, click Preview. This will take you to the published Video.

Copy the unique Vidzing URL from the published Video and share this with your audience.

Unique Vidzing IRL

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