How To: Setup & Sell a Multi Session Live Stream

Need help setting up and selling a multi session Live Stream? Follow these simple steps below:

Step 1: Create a Bundle

To sell a multi session Live Stream, you will need to set up a Bundle.

Check out how to set up a Bundle here.

Add or import live streams as you would with all content types.

NOTE: Setting up timing for your bundle will only affect when the content inside it can be watched, not the start time of your streams.

Step 2: Set Up Each Session

You can choose to create your Live Streams from within the Bundle, or import them from your content library.

To find out how to set up a single live stream, check out this article here.

Set up each session with it's own start date, time and duration.

You can add as many individual live streams to your bundle as you wish, as long as they end before your bundle expiry date (if you have set one).

NOTE: Multi Session live streams can also be sold individually, just set a price for each session to do so.

Step 3: Save the Bundle

Once completed, save the Bundle and share as normal.

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