How To: Create and Sell a Course

Need help creating and selling a course? Follow these simple steps below:

Step 1: Create your Course

Access the Creator Portal Dashboard and click the purple 'Create Content' button.

Select the 'Course' option from the available content types.

Step 2: Set Up Course Details

Give your Course a name, description (optional) and update the artwork (optional).

Step 3: Set Pricing

Set a currency in the 'Price' section.

Click 'Add price' to set a new price. Give your price a label, an amount, and a rental duration (if applicable).

Add price to a Bundle

Step 4: Set Release Timing

Adjust your timezone (if needed).

Setting a start date and time will determine when content is able to be watched from.

If the start date and time is in the future you can pre-sell the content, but customers will only be able to watch the video from the set start date and time.

NOTE: If the content is ready to be watched, set the start date and time to now.

Step 5: Content Set Up

Scroll back to the top of the page, and find the 'Content' tab, found next to the 'Details' tag, shown below.

Content tab

Get started by creating and naming your first Module, or by importing one from another Course.


Modules allow you to break down your course into smaller, more specific sections. Within your Module, you can also create new content or import it from your library.

To reorder Modules and Content, click and drag using the dots on the left, to edit or remove click the dots on the right.

Here’s a few examples to get you started:

Course: 6 Week Challenge

Modules: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3 …

Course: Beginner Spanish Language Course

Modules: Greetings, Colours, Days of the Week …

Step 6: Adding or Importing Modules

'Module 1' is created by default as each bundle must have at least one Module.

To edit 'Module 1', click 'Add content' next to the drop down arrow.

From here you can change the Module title to better suit your content. Once updated, click save.

To add another module, click 'Add module'.

You can also import modules from other courses using the 'Import Module' button.

Step 7: Adding or Importing Content

Within a course, you can either create new content or use previously created content.

Clicking 'Add content', will open a pop up which will take you through creating a new piece of content. Scroll down to 'Related Articles' for a detailed breakdown on creating each content type.

Clicking 'Import content' will open a pop up with your content library. Add as much content as required.

Once you have added all modules and content, head back to the 'Details' tab at the top.

Step 7: Publish or Preview

Change the Status of the content based on if the content is ready to be shared or not.

To preview your content, set the Status to 'Hide'. Save the Bundle, then click on 'Preview' at the top right hand side.

To Publish your content, if it's ready to share, set the Status to 'Publish', then scroll down and click 'Save'.

Preview and Content Status

Step 8: Share Your Course

At the top right side of your Course set up, click Preview. This will take you to the published Course.

Copy the unique Vidzing URL from the published Course and share this with your audience.

Unique Vidzing IRL

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